Numerous posts have circulated on TikTok and Twitter, claiming that Travis Scott’s deadly Astroworld concert was actually the result of a blood sacrifice.
“It just felt like we were in f*cking hell bro, like it felt like we were in a concert in hell. You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t see… After tonight, God really showed me to stay away from that sh*t. He sacrificed so many people’s lives tonight.” – @officialshaane on Twitter
Users have dissected every detail of the concert and the tragedy that occurred on Nov. 5, and this is what they came up with.
Entering The Gates of Hell
Upon arriving at the concert, guests had to walk through the mouth of Travis Scott. Users have correlated Scott’s usual artistic choice with the 14th-century painting ‘Christ in Limbo’. The painting shows the story of Christ’s descent into Limbo as he rescues the souls of the righteous. Many people claim that walking through Scott’s mouth symbolized their descent into Hell and thus entering the satanic ritual.
2. The Stage; a vortex – or a portal to hell
Many social media users have questioned the stage setup. From an eagle-eye view, the stage appears to be an upside-down cross leading into the portal. Within the portal, there are the words ‘See ya on the other side,’ meaning they are all going to the underworld. While Scott was performing his set, giant hands appeared around the portal, “snatching souls,” as one comment on TikTok said. Finally, people have claimed that the eight flames surrounding the stage symbolized the eight people who died during the concert and the eight lives sacrificed.
@brook333lliott said on TikTok, “I wouldn’t believe literally anything the news says… I picked up no subliminal messages from the website, the tickets. I didn’t look, I didn’t see, I wasn’t paying attention. But now that I go back I look at the flyer and everything I was around in the set, it’s absolutely disgusting. We were literally being sucked into that spiraling hole of death that was portrayed in front of us. We’re all suffocating, dying, and on the screen, it reads “see ya on the other side.” Along with all the Illuminati symbols and the praying hand literally sucking our energy from us. I am one hundred percent convinced that this was literally an energy harvest. Literally a satanic ritual. Travis Scott was snatching souls.”
3. Allusions in promotional images
People have said that the promotional advertisement for the concerts should have been an indicator for the night to come. TikTok users have claimed that the promotion for Astroworld hints at people being sucked into “another universe” and displays symbolism associated with the “Illuminati,” a satanic occult that is branded by mainstream media as a conspiracy theory.
4. “Nauseating” frequencies played before and during the concert
There are claims that Scott’s songs were played in a purposefully negative frequency to entrance the audience. Some who were in the audience that night said the music made them feel off, on edge, and in a state of constant panic.
The Tweet below includes clips of the music that was played hours before the concert began.
The TikTok video below shows a “demonic” creature being displayed above the stage. The music heard in this clip was described as “unsettling” and was said to, “give off bad vibes,” according to TikTok users.
Father John Szada, an exorcist at the Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg in Pennsylvania commented on the horrific event, “The imagery Travis Scott projects, whether he does it for commercial reasons or intentionally, it certainly projects satanic imagery and satanic practice, no question.” He continued, “it’s possible Travis Scott summoned demons, but it’s pure speculation. Even if he summoned demons unwillingly, he opened a door, and they just took advantage of it.”