Photo by J. Michael Rifenburg
Have you ever wanted to study abroad in London? Now you can!
Next summer, Professor J. Michael Rifenberg is leading a study abroad trip to southwest London for three weeks. Students will attend a travel writing course with Rifenburg as well as a course titled Murder, Mystery, and Magic with a professor at the University of Roehampton.
During the program, students will go on walking tours of the River Thames, Soho and Covent Garden, plus many more. You’ll visit Big Ben, the British Library and Cambridge. You’ll even get to stroll down Fleet Street – but maybe skip the barber…
Rifenburg says, “[Roehampton] has a robust summer international student program, so UNG students will have the chance to connect with other students from around the world and experience the vibrant city of London.”
While broadening your knowledge is an essential part of the program, there will still be plenty of time to explore and make fun-filled memories with weekends free for independent travel. On the summer 2023 trip, Rifenburg says some students popped over to Scotland, Paris and Stonehenge, and a few even went to a Harry Styles concert.
While this trip is designed for English majors, all sophomores, juniors and seniors are eligible to apply. The due date for applications is Feb. 1, 2024, but Rifenburg says he recommends you apply early, so you have plenty of time to apply for scholarships.