Photo by Colin McCollough
Finals season is descending on the University of North Georgia, and it’s crunch time for students.
And students are coping, but sometimes it’s in ways you won’t find on the Student Health website.
Getting these last assignments and exams done can be quite the stressor for students. And you’ll find plenty of events geared toward diffusing this stress cropping up around campus. The Student Counseling office also has an exhaustive list of guides to reducing and managing stress on their website.
One of the provided articles, “12 Tips to Manage Stress for College Students” lays out general advice like getting good sleep and staying active, but how do students actually cope?
One student who wishes to remain anonymous says, “Well honestly the way I destress during finals is I draw a lot, take decent breaks, and once I’m done I sit down with a few friends and drink a little, it’s really relaxing being able to just sit down with your friends at the end of the day not have to worry about tomorrow.”
Alex Marler, sophomore art major, says, “I cope with going to hangout with my buddies at JB’s [Johnny B’s] and listening to music, as well as playing video games. I was advised to just take a deep breath and move forward but that doesn’t work of course.”
“I appreciate the effort the school puts in but obviously as a stressed-out college student the last thing I want to do is have someone tell me to basically just calm down and everything will be okay. I’m glad it’s there for students that need it but I am simply not one of them,” says, Anderson Pitts, sophomore education major.
In actuality, many students do follow some of the tips given by the school. In the same article, they advise to find an activity to help them unwind. For some students this is going out with friends and drinking.