Ghost Comfort
Join UNG at the Halloween Drag Show to celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month
The University of North Georgia is hosting its annual Drag Show to celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month.
The event is hosted by the Multicultural Student Affairs and co-hosted by the Spectrum Alliance of Gainesville Campus.
The Drag Show provides multiple opportunities for students to express themselves fully, whether it be showing up in costume or simply showing up as themselves. It also engages fully with the LGBTQ+ community, allowing allies and those who are new to the community the chance to learn more from those around them.
The Drag Show features six different performances from various drag kings and queens, each one a student at UNG. Between each of these performers is a small activity or intermission, such as lip sync battles and a costume contest during which six people will show off their costumes for the chance to win a prize.
Alongside the contests, the free event features a selection of complementary food and drinks.
For those performing, there is more to it than simply expressing themselves and entertaining others. A cash prize will be awarded to the winning king or queen. As of now the amount of this prize has yet to be revealed, but it’s definitely something to look forward to.
“This is a great opportunity for those who want to express themselves in the world of drag. Being that they’re all student performers, in a way they all support one another through the night, and I love seeing that. This is also a way for people to learn more about drag performance as an art of self expression.” – Evelyn Magana, Vice President of the Spectrum Alliance
“I think the show is important because it’s a safe space to have fun and allows students to connect with others in their community,” Savannah Strickland, Spectrum Alliance Treasurer, said.
The event allows for the community to not only show itself off to others and gain further support from the outside but to provide a safe space for their own. Many LGBTQ+ students at UNG find fun and safety in events such as these as well as finding camaraderie and new friends from people they may have never met otherwise.
The event is being held on Oct. 18 on the Gainesville Campus, in the Robinson Ballroom. The event will be open to all from 5:30 – 8 p.m.