Ashley Goodrich
Who says Halloween is just for kids? For college students, it’s the perfect excuse to hang out with your ‘boos,’ indulge in questionable amounts of candy and flaunt your creativity (or lack thereof) through costumes. Whether you’re scheming up pranks or simply enjoying the festivities, Halloween has something for everyone. So, what do college students really think about spooky season? Let’s find out.
Memorable Experiences
“Once in college, 30 of my friends and I went out trick-or-treating together. We took photos with kids dressed as superheroes and then headed to a silent disco. It was kinda like a movie,” said Alexa Mumpower, junior psychology major.
“Last year, my boyfriend and I were carving pumpkins. As a joke, he threw some of the pumpkin guts on me. I threw some back and we ended up just doing it until all the guts were gone. It turned into something like a pillow fight,” said Kailey Gober, sophomore nursing major.
“One of my earliest memories of Halloween in general is when I was about 10. My brother was dressed up as Optimus Prime and I was Bumblebee and we went trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. I thought it was so cool to hang out with my older brother,” said Eddie Valdes, junior accounting major.
“When I was in high school, I had a teacher who adopted two black cats from a trick-or-treater on Halloween. She also got married on Halloween,” said Halle Enge, freshman criminal justice major.
“When I was a freshman… I played baseball at Mercer, and at a Halloween party, the six freshman baseball players had to perform a dance dressed as Cobra Kai characters to a 50 Cent song in front of 300 people. It was very embarrassing,” said Evan Bilson, junior biology major.
Sweet Traditions
“Every year for Halloween, my neighborhood has a get-together. My mom and her friends dress up in group costumes, like characters from Despicable Me, Inside Out, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The moms each make separate dishes so everyone can choose what they want, and the kids sit at the top of the street while the dads take us trick-or-treating and hand out candy,” said Kyndall Ricketts, freshman biology major.
“My parents and I have a tradition every year of watching It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown while we carve pumpkins,” said Aubrey Sten, sophomore history major.
“Since I’ve been a resident assistant at the University of North Georgia, the school has organized a big trunk-or-treat event where students and the community alike can come to have fun and eat candy. We go all out with the decorations,” said Gabriella Ocasio, senior political science major.
Funny Costumes
“When I was in high school, I dressed up as a milk carton. I saw it in Target and knew I had to do it. It was huge,” said Jayda Smith, freshman kinesiology major.
“I dressed up one year as Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter when I was in high-school while I gave out candy. A lot of the trick-or-treaters were middle-schoolers, so they understood the reference,” Miriam Youngman, junior kinesiology major.
“I wore one of those joker clown costumes one year, and the kids were so scared that I even made a little kid cry. It had a scary clown mask and everything,” said Allie Walker, freshman biology major.
“In fourth grade, I was a zebra. I wore a onesie with ears and a tail. I thought it was super cute at the time because I wanted to work with animals,” said Ricketts.
Plans for This Halloween
“I work as a freelance fire performer, and I’ll be performing at The Bridge Church’s carnival-themed Halloween party,” said Mumpower.
“I went to Netherworld last Friday. It was funny because it wasn’t that scary and I purposefully would close doors behind me so my aunt would get scared,” said Walker.
And some people will be hitting the books…
“I have tests to take on Friday so nothing too exciting this year cause I’ll be studying,” said Valdes.
“I’m studying cause I have a test Friday,” said Bilson.