Swampfest is an annual event held by professional BMX rider, Trey Jones. This event is hosted by Spyder Motocross, in Longwood, Florida. Swampfest is a time of year where BMX riders gather from across the world to ride a variety of obstacles built out of pallets and various materials. The best part, at the end they burn everything to the ground.
Riders from professionals to beginner level participate in events like grinds over swamp water, giant roller coaster like rails, and long jumps. One of the main events included the Fast and Loose bowl jam, where a concrete bowl was constructed in the middle of the swamp. Throughout the event flame spitters, cyclists, skateboarders, southerners, dirt bikers, go-carters, and many types of other absurdities could be seen. The event even featured a death metal band, and throughout the performance audience members threw fireworks in all directions. The event goers also built their own obstacles after the event to keep the party going. At multiple points a pit of fire was constructed and event participants jumped over said pit on their bikes. No lasting injuries were reported.