A new school year brings a lot of stress to University of North Georgia students, but intramural sports serve as a break from the rigors of college classes.
Phase one of the UNG intramural sports program rings in fall with multiple team sports. Students can participate in a variety of activities, team-oriented or individual, and can start teams with their friends or join a random team as a free agent.
The UNG fall intramural program has two phases, with nine different sports being played over the next few months allowing students to branch out within their community and meet new people or have some fun with their friends.
Students have the option to play 7v7 flag football, ultimate frisbee, 3v3 basketball, sand volleyball and team handball, with teammate additions still welcome for the majority of sports.
Phase one will last until October, giving students a month-long season of games in each sport happening once per week.
When phase two begins, sports such as co-rec flag football, soccer, wiffleball and indoor volleyball will begin as the weather cools in Dahlonega.

The intramural program is run through imleagues, a website used by colleges all over the United States. Students can sign up for any sport and track their personal and team stats.
Mark Scheffer, a sophomore business major, says, “The ads that run on the website crash the whole page before you can even see your schedule. I can’t even see scores without getting a Home Depot ad first.”
Charlton Robinson, a sophomore biology pre-med major, could not play due to an injury but was still happy to watch his friends play in a 3v3 basketball game. He states that, “It sucked not to be able to play with them, but it was good to watch my friends. I got to coach the team, which was fun until we lost.”
For more information on upcoming events and scheduling, students can visit imleagues or the campus recreation and wellness page on the UNG student website.