Helping those in need is a defining characteristic of the Christain church, and answering the call to do these works is an element that most people would shy away from. Carson Darracott, a fourth-year art marketing major at the University of North Georgia, understands the importance of doing good works and answered the call.

Her trip took her to La Entrada Copan in western Honduras. Darracott and 32 members of her church went to La Entrada Copan to help with the continued construction of a sanctuary compound. The compound provides local community members that are in need of; food, schooling, and housing.

Darracott felt she needed to go on this trip, not only because of her faith but also feeling that it is the right thing to do.
“I just wanted to help out any way I could.”- Carson Darracott, Art Marketing Major at UNG
This was not her first mission trip but it is one she definitely will not forget stating, “It was shocking to see how much poverty was in the country.” Relief efforts are hard to make a reality with how rural the areas are and the addition of mountainous terrain.

Darracott shared that out of all the villages they visited none of them had anyone living in the middle class, and the disparities between the rich and poor were significant. She made her observations based on the conditions people were living, if they had a home, and their necessary reserves.

“It was either a nice house, good tile, running water, nice bathroom or it was orphaned children living under a semi-truck,” Darracott said. “You either have the money to supply for yourself and your family or you do not and kinda fend for yourself.”`
Darracott explained that even though the people they visited were living in poverty and had nearly nothing to their name, they did not let their situation get them down. Remaining in high spirits and joyful in a scenario that most could not even fathom.

The villages they visited welcomed them with open arms and were extremely grateful for them to be there. Going as far as even gifting the missionaries with their personal items as a thank you for the work.
In total Darracott’s church has made four trips to the area and has plans for many more in the future. Each trip has helped build relationships in the area and has also expanded the compound itself.

Darracott said that a lot of the work they did was to help provide care for the children and their families. This includes cooking, handing out food to those who came to the compound, and helping those in surrounding areas who were without the means to make the trip. They also started laying the groundwork for another feeding center in the compound.

Darracott intends to go on many more mission trips, already making plans to return to Honduras in February to help continue the building of the new feeding center. She also plans to return again this summer after the feeding center is completed and hopes on staying for several months.
For more information on upcoming mission trips and donations visit these websites: Christ Fellowship and Casa Hogar INTL