Graffiti: Street Talk

School Bus Graveyard Graffiti in Alto, GA PC: Maria Jaiyeola

Art comes in different forms with diverse interpretations. People have taken art to the streets by painting, drawing, or writing in public areas. Graffiti is a visual street art that in some places, is illegal and labeled vandalism.

School Bus Graveyard Graffiti in Alto, GA PC: Maria Jaiyeola

These forms of art were very common in Ancient Rome and referred to as inscriptions. They were drawings and messages inscribed on surface areas like rocks and walls of the sepulchres. Over time, it has been modernized but some confirm that they still hold the same meaning as they did.   

School Bus Graveyard Graffiti in Alto, GA PC: Maria Jaiyeola

In some instances, graffiti has been used in gang-related activities to mark their territory. Despite this, graffiti holds positive values in the community. Johari Gomez-Meliton, a sophomore at the University of North Georgia said, “It’s beautiful and it’s so vibrant, full of color, and every graffiti has a message.”

Murals are painted in honor of people that influenced others, some hold political messages, and some are just creative ways that the artist has chosen to express themselves. Fillmore County Journal said, “In reality, a spray paint can is just a tool that artists use to create an art piece. Like painting tools, graffiti is a tool for the mass communication of the world. It can get a person’s opinions and voices heard in an anonymous way, and get people talking.”

School Bus Graveyard Graffiti in Alto, GA PC: Maria Jaiyeola

School Bus Graveyard in Alto, GA, is home to old school buses and cars that many people have spray painted with different images and messages, making it a unique attraction.  Every year more artists come and repaint it, keeping the artwork vibrant.

School Bus Graveyard Graffiti in Alto, GA PC: Maria Jaiyeola

“It just depends on the environment. If you go downtown and there’s a lot of graffiti, you can draw on there and they’re not going to take it off. But if you come to the school [UNG] and do it, that’s vandalism because it’s private property and you’re not allowed to do that” – Johari Gomez-Meliton, UNG Sophomore

Downtown Graffiti in Yakima, WA PC: Maria Jaiyeola

Labeling graffiti as vandalism means it is an action that damages property. However, dedicating a space on campus to bring this artistic view would allow students to freely express themselves by starting important discussions and bringing awareness to certain topics. “I’m not entirely sure where they would put it but I think it’ll be nice. They can make the room for it”  said UNG student, Walker Herron. Students passionate about art should get a space to express themselves outside of class. 

Street art influences the community through the messages that are shared and adds life to the environment.